Saturday, October 01, 2005

Apples to Apples to Cookies

Last night I went to a party that one of the RUF interns, Gail, was throwing for us girls. It was a lot of fun. We baked cookies (well, some of us just ate them) and played Apples to Apples for 2 1/2 hours strait. Katie, one of my RUF friends, was going on very little sleep and was quite slaphappy (in the words of another friend, "intoxi-katie"). At one point she screamed, gasped, and then doubled over laughing. We were eating chocolate chips, and she had picked up what she thought was a piece of chocolate off of her jeans; only to find it was a bug. We all just about lost it; we jumped when she screamed, then couldn't stop laughing at her reaction. It was my first time playing Apples to Apples, for those of you have, do you every play that whatever cards you win show your personality? We had a lot of laughs at the end reading them out loud. Mine were: scary, spooky, nasty, important, brilliant, and calm. LOL

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