Monday, April 17, 2006

Back Again. . .

I'd like to pretend that I have a good reason for not updating this in so long. But I don't really. I mean, I could mention lab reports, papers, extra credit assignments, Spanish homework, Tolkien presentations, etc (but I won't). I suppose the real reason is that nothing particularly hilarious/exciting/extremely crazy has happened to me lately. There's all the normal stuff, the fiction book read every two days or so, the afternoon nap, but nothing worth blogging about. Hmm, except for. . .

~This weekend I lost control of the Roman World to my brother, but my ally (Julia) and I consoled ourselves by remembering that chances are our descendants would no doubt steal it back at some later date.

~I had 17 books ready to be picked up at the library; the librarian asked me if I "wanted to check them all out at once." Huh? I requested them all, didn't I? I mean, I know some people must request a bunch, and then take a few at a time, but surely, surely, I do not look like one of the those people. I really need to make myself more known at the Sachs branch. Maybe I should go for the world record of books requested at one time. . .

~Some people I know are playing a really awesome game (I didn't look at the facebook group until too late). They're called the "MizzouMercenaries." I figured it would just be a paintball group or something, but what it really is is everyone playing gets a secret code name and a list of the real names of everyone else playing. Your goal is to tag people to learn their secret name. Once they get your name, you're out; but you can't tag people in class or in the residence halls. (wicked grin) It seems awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that librarian's comment was crazy!!Is she for real?
Enjoyed the latest few blog entries.