Thursday, September 22, 2005

Humility: Continued

I've noticed that when embarrassing things happen to me on Monday, it takes me until Thursday to actually write them up. Anyway,

[reporter] It's time for the Weekly Update on "How College is Lowering Lee Anne's Self-Esteem."
Hello, Ms. Litzsinger, please tell our audience today on what new developments have put you in your place this week.

[me] I got an F on my first English paper.

[reporter] (GASP) Any how did that happen?

[me] Well, I'm still not entirely sure. I guess my paper's organization was poor.

[reporter] And how do you feel about receiving an F?

[me] Pretty bad, but fairly resigned. I'm torn between trying to do everything else in the class perfectly, and realizing that my grade for the year is already completely shot and giving up. Right now lethargy is winning.

[reporter] I can't help but notice that the last two weeks have brought major blows to your pride: any clue what's next?

[me] Please, don't even say that! I've already completely failed softball and english: do I really need more embarrassing moments?

[reporter] And on that note, we turn to tomorrow's weather forecast. . .

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