Friday, March 09, 2007

The Short Version

Life is crazy, hectic, awesome, depressing, and busy busy busy. I'm overwhelmed enough already without the black cloud of you-haven't-updated-your-blog worries. So instead of giving a play by play of the last few weeks, I'm merely going to give you the short version.

My Life Recently Consists of:

the woman in white, ruf retreat, parking tickets, reading journals, gilgamesh, long papers, fiction writing [for class], carrying an insanely heavy backpack through the rain, anne of green gables, the theban plays, corpus callosum, psychology notes, cross cultural journalism, freaking out about next semester, getting new tennis shoes muddy, babysitting, spanish subjective tense, peer-edits, being accepted into the magazine sequence, mr. knightley, supernatural, lost, battlestar galactica, s'mores, planning for summer, advil, lots of driving, decisions, dragons, naps, noise, tests, weird short stories, good friends, freecell, and schoolwork, schoolwork, schoolwork.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear friend, hang in there! try bending over to touch toes then rolling up slowly (vertebrae by vertebrae) to relieve tension headaches. i'm in st. louis now! i got back from iowa safe and sound, and would love to talk sometime soon.