Saturday, May 06, 2006

How to tell if you're a college student (bonus: do you go to Mizzou?)

8 Ways to tell you're a college student (or at least think like one)

1.You believe that pedestrians have the right to cross at any time and any in any place they desire (with or without crosswalk)--unless you're the one driving
2. You know that teacher evaluations are there merely to create a façade of student empowerment
3. Naps and pizza at midnight are not deviance, but social norms
4. You brave weather to get to class that Columbus, Magellan, or even a postman would quail at
5. Facebook is not a site, it's a way of life
6. You think that ipods are natural appendages of the body
7. You eat all your meals at a dining hall
8. You follow any flyer that promised to lead to "free food"

Are you at Mizzou? Five easy ways to find out

1. You can't walk to class without seeing someone setting up a newscast
(aka journalists to people ratio : 14 to 1)
2. You not only have your school song, chant, and mascot, but your own ice cream flavor
3. Kansas= Nemesis
4. The campus library is a labyrinth
5. You are standing next to a sign that says "University of Missouri Columbia"

1 comment:

Lee Anne said...

haha! It's going to be awesome! Watch out Mizzou, here comes Wildwood!