Friday, March 17, 2006

Double Trouble

Well, for those of you who don't know, I've decided that going to one of the best journalism schools in the country isn't enough writing for me, oh no! I have to go off and add a second major in English (with an emphasis in creative writing) too. :P I never did learn when to quit. How did this come about, you might ask. Well, maybe you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

I think it started when I realized I would scream if I heard the word "democracy" one more time in my J1100 class. That, and the insistence that "there is no liberal media bias." All I do in that class is crossword puzzles. Journalism may be practical, but it bores me. So I started looking (and drooling) over the classes I could take if I got an English degree instead. What else lets you take Old English as your foreign language requirement? Not to mention classes in oral tradition and, of course, creative writing.

So, after long discussions with my parents, and the realization that journalism really would be helpful in the "real" world (while English seems more useful for surviving flaming dragons), my mom came up with the brilliant idea of a double major. I know I'd thought of that before, but never very seriously. So, now I'm in the process of filling out forms and finding out I have not one advisor now, but three (Journalism, Honors College, A&S). Oh, the joys of double majors.

If I'm honest though, the real reason I'm double majoring can be summed up in three words: St. Andrews, Scotland. Heehee, study abroad with English rocks.


Anonymous said...

whoa... well, I'm sure if anyone can do such a difficult thing as a double major, it will be you. and the old english sounds just up your alley... I need to talk to you before i leave for paris!!!
I'll give you a call soon,

much love, Kaelen

Anonymous said...


Welcome to the Dark Side!! :) Your life will never be the same-- and it's awesome! :)
Ms Hockenbury