Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I Hate People Who Pull Fire Alarms

Just what I needed to make this day better. Someone pulled the fire alarm not once, but TWICE today. Did you know that one can actually go to prison for that? It has some serious consequences, not that that seems to stop whoever has been pulling it. It is such a pain! I'm really glad that firefighters respond and don't give up when people cry wolf, cuz otherwise our dorm would be in trouble when/if we really do have a fire.

After I wrote that post about my soc paper this morning, I hurried off to class, which is located in the far-off building of Middlebush. Onnly to be met with a surprise: the classroom was dark and a sign was taped to the door:

Prof.---- has be recalled to his home planet of Xqayn. He will be gone for an unspecified period of time. Please forgive the inconvinance.
Cznujs, Minister of Forgien Affairs

(I guess I should have mentioned that serveral people in my class came up with--seperately--the idea that our professor is " a skin-stealing alien")

Okay, so what the sign really said was that class was cancelled. Any other day we might have relished this bit of news, but remember: we had just stayed up the night before writing the blasted thing. Let's just say we weren't very pleased. So off we traipse to another building to discover whether the lecture immediantly following discussion is cancelled as well. There's no note, so we all drag back out there at 10. Well, when we are all shifting in our seats, the T.A.s wander up to the front looking nervous and slightly confused. Here's what they said and how we translated it.

Professor --- said he couldn't make it today [ *^#$@#!@!!]
He's sick-- [sure he is--his skinsuit probably fell apart and he's got to do some blood ritual to get a new one]
Umm, you can turn you papers in and we'll grade them [(sarcastically) oh, so that's how he gets out of doing the work]

Let's just say we weren't in the most sympathetic mood.

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