Saturday, August 27, 2005

First Week of College

Truths learned in my first week of college:

1. Sandals that are okay for waking short distances are not necessarily okay for walking long distances (7+ bandaids on feet).

2.Your class will NEVER be in the building that actually bears its name (English is in Geology, Sociology is in Physics, etc.)

3. Pizza is its own food group; there are more pizza places on campus than there are professors (well, maybe not, but you get my point).

4. Ten minutes is only enough time to get halfway to your next class.

5. Washers are temperamental beasts that do not acknowledge human domination.

6. When you allow the university to plan your schedule, they will end up placing you in a writing intensive course, despite the fact that a) you supposed to have English 1000 as a prerequisite b) as a journalism student you don't actually need a writing intensive course.

7. I am forever doomed to have no classes with multiple choice quizzes.

8. Giving a person like me the ability to swipe my student card and buy whatever I want from the bookstore is not a good idea (heeheehee).

9. Just when being part of a huge university seems completely overwhelming, God will send along a new friend.


Lee Anne said...

*grin* I am just full of helpful advice.

Anonymous said...

Lol! What a college experience, Lee Anne!